Jumat, 04 Juli 2008


Arafah plain viewed from Jabal Rahmah where this Sermon was adressed to the pilgrimages who went along.

Khutbah ini disampaikan pada tanggal sembilan Zulhijjah 10 H.(k.l. 1423 tahun yang lalu) dalam pelaksanaan hajji wadda nya, di padang Arafah dekat Mekkah, sesudah Al Qur’an lengkap diwahyukan dan Allah SWT telah menyatakan berkahnya kepada Agama Islam dalam surat Al Maidah ayat 3. Setelah berpuji syukur kepada Allah Rasullullah bersabda:

Wahai, Ummatku,
Dengarkanlah aku dengan seksama
Karena aku tidak tahu apakah sesudah tahun ini
Aku akan masih bersama lagi dengan kalian
Karena itu simaklah
Apa yang hendak kuucapkan

Sebagaimana kalian anggap bulan ini
Hari ini, kota ini, suci
Kalian harus menganggap pula bahwa nyawa dan harta
Dari setiap Muslim sebagai amanah suci
Sampaikanlah amanah yang kau emban kepada yang berhak
Janganlah berbuat aniaya supaya kamu tak dianiaya.
Ingatlah kalian akan menghadap Tuhanmu
Dan Dia akan memperhitungkan amalmu

Allah telah melarang riba
Karenanya semua tuntutan riba
Dengan ini dihapuskan
Namun tetap bagi kalian pokok dari harta kekayaan kalian.
Kalian tak akan membuat ataupun menderita ketidak adilan.
Allah telah memutuskan bahwa riba itu tidak ada lagi.
Dan ribanya Abbas bin Abdulmuthalib
Adalah yang pertama dihapuskan.

Semua tuntutan darah dari zaman jahiliyah
Dengan ini telah dihapuskan
Tuntutan pertama yang saya hapuskan ialah
Darah Ibnu Rabi’ah bin Haris bin Abdulmuthalib.

Hai manusia
Kaum kafir senang mempermainkan penanggalan.
Dengan maksud menghalalkan
Apa yang diharamkan Allah
Dan mengharamkan apa yang dihalalkan Allah.
Bilangan bulan disisi Allah ada duabelas.
Empat daripadanya bulan suci.
Tiga berturut-turut dan satu
Menyendiri antara Jumadil Akhir dan Syaban

Waspadailah Setan
Untuk keselamatan agamamu
Adapun setan telah putus asa dalam memberaikan kamu dalam hal-hal besar.
Tetapi berhati-hatilah atas penjerumusan dalam perkara –perkara kecil

Hai ummatku
Benar adanya bahwa ada hak kalian
Atas perempuan-perempuan kalian.
Namun mereka adapula haknya atas kalian.

Ingatlah, kamu telah
Jadikan mereka istrimu
Semata-mata sebagai amanah Allah
Dan dengan izinNya.

Jika mereka menghargai hakmu
Mereka akan berhak
Mendapatkan belanja dan pakaian .
Dalam kesantunan
Jagailah perempuan itu dengan baik

Dan bersikaplah santun
Karena mereka telah menggantungkan nasibnya kepada kalian
Dan mereka adalah penolong yang berikrar

Dan hak mu atas mereka adalah
Bahwa mereka tidak berteman
Dengan siapapun yang tidak kau setujui.
Dan mencegah mereka melakukan kekejian

Wahai ummatku, camkanlah.
Sembahlah Allah: shollatlah dalam lima waktu
Berpuasalah di bulan Ramadhan.
Tunaikan zakat. Berhajilah jika mampu

Semua manusia berasal dari Adam dan Hawa
Seorang bukan Arab tak mempunyai kelebihan dari seorang Arab
Juga seorang kulit putih tak berkelebihan atas orang kulit hitam
Pun seorang hitam tak berkelebihan dari seorang putih
Kecuali dalam kesalihan
Dan amal baik

Ketahuilah bahwa setiap muslim
Adalah saudara bagi semua muslim
Dan semua mereka membentuk
Satu persaudaraan.

Tidak dizinkan bagi setiap muslim
Untuk mengambil sesuatu kepunyaan sesama muslim
Kecuali dalam keikhlasannya

Maka janganlah kalian zalimi dirimu sendiri.
Ingatlah kalian akan menghadapi
Allah untuk mempertanggungjawapkan amalmu
Jadi waspadalah. Jangan terpencar dari jalan lurus
Setelah aku tiada

Hai ummatku
Jadi pikirkanlah baik-baik hai ummatku
Dan renungkan kata-kata yang
Telah kusampaikan

Kutinggalkan dua hal
Al Qur’an dan Hadis
Dan bila kalian turuti mereka
Kalian takan pernah terberai

Dan mereka yang mendengarkanku
Sampaikanlah kata-kataku ini
Ke yang lainnya dan yang belakangan ini
Ke yang lainnya lagi
Dan mudah mudahan yang terakhir memahami
Kata-kataku lebih baik dari yang
Mendengarkan langsung dariku.

Jadilah saksiku ya Allah, bahwa saya telah sampaikan segala firmanMu ke ummatMu.

Sumber : Nabi Muhammad S.A.W oleh Abdullah Aidid, penerbit Bulan Bintang Jakarta 1961,
Pamflet Sudut media Masjid Sultan Singapur.3 Muscat Street Singapore.1996. email: mjdsultn@pacific.net.sg
Mohon diteruskan ke yang lain sebagaimana sabda nabi diatas.
Mohon disempurnakan bila ada masukan-masukan baru yang lebih sahih.


This Sermon was delivered on the Ninth day of Dzulhijjah 10 A.H (circa :June ,4 632 AD/other calculation : March 632 AD ) in his last hajj pilgrimage, at Jabbal Rahmah in the Valley of Mount Arafah near Mecca, just after The whole Qur’an was completely revealed and Allah has declared His blessing to Islam (Al Qur’an 5:3). This sermon could be viewed as preface for Islam as a religion.
After praising and thanking Allah , the Prophet (S.A.W), camel mounted, said:

O People
Lend me your attentive ears
For I do not know whether after this year
I shall ever be amongst you again.
Therefore listen carefully
To what I am about to say to you

O people , just as you regard this month
This day, this city as Sacred
Likewise do regard also the life and property
Of every Muslim as sacred trust 1

Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners.
Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you.
Remember , you will indeed meet your LORD
And that He will indeed reckon your deeds

Allah has forbidden you to take usury2
Therefore all interest obligation
Shall henceforth be waived
Your capital, however , is yours to keep
You will neither inflict nor suffer inequity.
Allah has judged that there shall be no interest
And that all interest due to Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib
Shall henceforth be waived.

Every right arising from homicide3 in pre Islamic days
Is henceforth waived
And the first such right that I waived is that arising
From the murder of Rabi’ah Ibn Al- Harith Ibni Al Muttalib.

O men.
The unbelievers indulge in tampering with the calendar
In order to make permissible
That which Allah forbade
And to forbid that which Allah has made permissible4.

With Allah the months are twelve in number.
Four of them are holy5
Three of which are successive and one occurs
Singly between the month of JUMADIL AKHIR and SHAABAN.

Beware of satan6
For the safety of your religion.
The devil has lost all hope to lead you astray in big issues
But beware of being lead astray in small issues.

O people
It is true that you have certain rights
With regard to your women.
But they also have rights7 over you
Remember you have taken them
As your wives
Only under Allah’s trust
And with his permission

If they abide by your right then
They shall have right
To be fed and clothed
In kindness

Do treat your women well
And be kind to them
For they are your partners
And committed helpers
And it is your rights to impose
That they do not make friends
With anyone whom you do not approve
As well as never to be unchaste

O people, listen to me earnestly
Worship Allah8: say your five prayer
Fast during month of Ramadhan
And give your wealth in Zakat
Perform Hajj if you can afford.

All mankind is from Adam and Eve
An Arab has no superiority over a non Arab
Nor a non Arab has any superiority over an Arab.
Also a white has no superiority over a black
Nor a black has any superiority over white
Except by piety
And good deed 9

Nurture yourself that every Muslim
Is a brother to every Muslim
And that all Muslim constitute
One brotherhood10
Nothing shall be legitimate to Muslim
Which belongs to a fellow Muslims
Unless it was given freely
And willingly

Do not therefore
Do injustice to yourselves
Remember you will appear
Before Allah to answer for your deeds
So Beware
Do not stray from the path of righteousness
After I am gone

O people
Reason well therefore O people9
And understand The Words which
I have conveyed to you

I leave behind me two things
And my example The SUNNAH110
And if you abide these
You will never go astray.

All those who listen to me
Shall pass on my words
To other , and the latter
To others again
And may the last ones understand
My words better than those
Listening directly from me

Be my witness O, Allah that I have conveyed Your message to Your People11
Valley of Mount Arafah today.

The picture above was taken from Jabbal Rahmah ( mean :Mount Compassion) in 2003.
Source: 1. Nabi Muhammad SAW by Abullah Aidid,
Publisher: Bulan Bintang, Jakarta 1962

2. a Leaflet from Sultan Mosque, Sudut Media, Muscat Street
Singapore 198833, phone 2934405, email: mjdsultn@pacific.net.sg
For the most accurate translation version of the Sermon, corrections and additions are welcomed.
Please pass this to others as commanded by Rasululllah SAW in the last part of the sermon.

Saptono Istiawan, October, 27 2003/ October, 30 2007= Syawal 19 1428 h. Email tono@jkt.bozz.com

Foot notes:
1 Trust:
In any kind of relationship trust forms the foundation and binding force of a good and everlasting relationship. Be it in friendship, marriage, family, trade, business, employment, etc. A breach of trust is a heinous crime to be dealt with on the Day of Judgment.

2 Usury :
Or receiving of interest is a social menace forbidden in Islam . A typical example is the interest imposed by a moneylender. A borrower once entangled in money lending transaction is doomed to suffer the worst which may lead to poverty. And also in a macro-economic system, create a condition where once somebody have enough money, his money growth by itself. While others once have enough debt their debt growth by themselves. But when the debts are hugely accumulated that nobody could settle them down, then everybody have to do the balance notoriously known as inflation.

3 Homicide:
Pre-Islamic homicide is a lawless act of killing which encompasses infanticide, tribal feuds and pagan sacrifices. Not only it is a waste of human resources but also an unproductive preoccupation of the past. The Holy Prophet put an end to this and Islam devolves law inclined to bring about a better social upliftment for mankind and a better living environment for all.
4 Confusing in determining Iedl Fitr celebration lately is certainly then could be regarded as what the unbelievers want.
5 Holy Months :
The holy months are Zulkaedah(11th month),Zulhidjah (12th), Muharram (1st)
and Rejab(7th). These are sacred months in which Muslim enjoined to do good deeds and devote to serving Allah.
The first three months are period covering the performance of Hajj pilgrimage, one of the five pillars of Islam. The latter is the eventful month in which a night called Isra-Mir’aj, the holy return trip and ascension occurred which endorsed the Supremacy of the Almighty Allah as witnessed by the Holy Prophet. (According to Prof. Miguiel Asin from the University of Madrid ,this Mir’aj had great influence on the Italian Dante’s Divine Comedy and other Mediaeval literature of Europe ).

6 Satan:
By now Satan and his progeny would have a population much larger than the human beings. They loom every niches and corners of the world to cause havoc. Muslims have been cautioned to be wary of Satan’s unrelenting pursuit to cause confusion among them on small issues which then may give raise to polemics and disintegration of the Muslim brotherhood.

7 Women’s right:
Islam guarantees the status of women on the basis of reciprocal rights. Equality of woman lies in the treatment they enjoyed as a daughter, wife, mother, grandmother and member of a gracious society. This is in contrast to the disguised women liberation concept which weighed more for sexuality and vanity of young women.

Worship Allah:
Muslim are constantly reminded that they must be steadfast in their observance of the Five Pillars of Islam . These are individual duty and obligation which have no short-cut or proxy.

9 This was the precedence for 19th century Abraham Lincoln’s Declaration of Emancipation

10 Muslim Brotherhood :
Unity of the Muslim is important to bring about a more lasting peace for mankind . Islam is a universal religion for all mankind regardless of race, color, ethnicity, political beliefs and economic supremacy. It does not belong to the Arabs. Thus Islam conceived the first true nationhood in the world . The Pax Romana and other empires that preceding it was not really a nation forming effort, because they still primordially divided their own subjects into several categories with different rights accordingly, thus potentially could had been generated strains in their societies. In fact the word “nation” is more properly to be perceived as derived from the Arab word “ naas” which mean man or people, than old French word “nation” which mean birth or tribe or “nasci” which mean to be born..

9 Compare it with The Bible’s John 16:12,13 ,when Jesus had said:”I have yet many things to say unto you , but you cannot bear them now. Howbeit when the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth”.
10 Alqur’an and Assunnah:
These are divine revelations forming the main sources of Islamic law and practices. Muslim must abide by expressed and explicit revelation in these sources. Thus it is imperative for all Muslims to fully understand and master these source before dealing with minor and secondary sources.

11 See : Bible’s the Book of Deuteronomy 18:18. “I will raise a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee, and I will put my words on his mouth., and he will say to them whatsoever I command him.”.

related: http://islamworld.net/docs/call_of_ibrahim.html



Blog ini akan ditampilkan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris akan mencoba membicarakan dan memperkenalkan Al Qur'an ke seluruh bangsa di dunia.
Mudah mudahan niat dan usaha ini di Ridhoi oleh Allah SWT.



may peace be upon you
may ALLAH bless this.